Hieronymus (Secret Content)

Hieronymus is a wonderful piece but the secret it hides is even more incredible. As you know, many of the effects at Curious Pieces incorporate electronics made by some of the best minds in mentalism and magic.

The Hieronymous comes with two hi-tech devices to make the trick work.

A genuine Ghost Die by Magic Wagon. This electronic device is very rare. Only 50 were made and they never come onto the resellers market. When I picked this one up I just new it had to go into my act. In essence the performer can cause any side of the die to show – and it can happen right in front of the spectators eyes.

Very rare. Activated by remote control.

The second electronic prop is the magitronics die. This rechargable die was made by hand by Jolyon Jenkins two years ago. It works perfectly. This is how the performer knows what number has been selected. These two props together, cause an absolute miracle.

MagiTronics Die in the middle of the photo

And thats what you are paying for here. Along with the other incredible props and storyline.
